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Virtual Test Prep - Private Pilot

(Artikel-Nr.: S5103019-5)

Virtual Test Prep - Private Pilot
149,95 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


Private Pilot Virtual Test Prep®–An Aviation Ground School uses 3D and animated graphics,... mehr

Private Pilot Virtual Test Prep®–An Aviation Ground School uses 3D and animated graphics, special effects, air-to-air video, experienced flight instructors and subject experts, with real-world tips from the classroom, in the airplane, and at the airport for a comprehensive aviation ground school. You will be placed in the pilot seat, as well as see the FAA and air traffic controller’s perspective—so you walk away with a comprehensive understanding of the VFR environment. You will be prepared for the FAA Knowledge Exam, not by rote memorization, but with a true understanding and application of the knowledge needed for the test, making you a better and safer pilot.

This course meets 14 CFR Part 61 home study requirements and utilizes real-world in-flight video to provide focused and exciting learning. It includes Private Pilot Prepware, 24-month subscription to Prepware Online and both widescreen DVDs and high-definition Blu-Ray discs so you can enjoy the videos on whatever player you have.

Watch the videos to learn the subjects, then use the included ASA Prepware software to work through the questions for a comprehensive aviation ground school. Graduation certificate and instructor endorsement (sign-off) available from ASA for no additional cost upon completion of the course.

Updated material includes information on BasicMed, Graphical Forecast for Aviation (GFA), significant weather prognostic chart, ADS-B In and ADS-B Out, and discontinued services including Flight Watch, HIWAS, DUATS, and World Aeronautical Charts (WAC).

Course contents:

  • Introduction
  • Aerodynamics
  • Aircraft Systems
  • Flight Instruments
  • Regulations
  • Procedures & Airport Operations
  • Weather
  • Weather Services
  • Aircraft Performance
  • Enroute Flight
  • Navigation
  • Communication Procedures
  • Test Tips

Nearly 11 hours of high quality widescreen standard definition and Blu-ray high definition ground school video presentation with interactive menus for scene/subject selection! (See the User’s Guide for specific subjects covered in each lesson.)


Blu-Ray disks, DVD disks and Prepware activation code

Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
Lizenzen / Berechtigungen: PPL
Medium: BluRay Disc, Software / CD / DVD
Sportarten / Flugzeug: Motorflug
Sprache: englisch

For Blu-ray disks:
Television Blu-ray player. (ASA recommends that the Virtual Test Prep Blu ray Discs enclosed be played on a Blu ray player connected to your TV. You may encounter problems when viewing these discs on some computer-installed Blu ray players.)

For DVDs:
Television or computer DVD player.

For Prepware:
Does not install to mobile devices like an iPad or Android tablet.

Windows and Macintosh compatible. 1024 x 768 minimum screen resolution, DVD-ROM drive, mouse or other compatible pointing device. PDF file reader for accessing supplemental support documentation. Product registration is required. Internet access is required for registration as well as program and test question updates.

Windows compatible processor, 800 MHz or faster (Windows XP), 1.0 GHz or faster (Vista and Windows 7). 345 MB available hard drive space. 256 MB System RAM (Windows XP), 512 MB RAM (Vista), 1024 MB (Windows 7), 2048 MB (Windows 8/8.1), 4096 MB (Windows 10). Microsoft .Net Framework v4.0. If your system does not have this version of .Net Framework already installed, the Prepware installer will install the correct version before installing the program.

Macintosh computer with Intel processor. 324 MB available hard drive space. OS X Snow Leopard (10.6), 1024 MB RAM. OS X Lion (10.7), OS X Mountain Lion (10.8), OS X Mavericks (10.9) 2048 MB RAM, OS X Yosemite (10.10) and El Capitan (10.11) 4096 MB RAM.

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