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Instrument Flying Handbook

(Artikel-Nr.: S5403065)

Instrument Flying Handbook
Menge Stückpreis
bis 19 24,00 € *
ab 20 21,60 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


This is the FAA's primary pilot resource for instrument flight rules (IFR) covering everything... mehr

This is the FAA's primary pilot resource for instrument flight rules (IFR) covering everything pertinent to operating an aircraft in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) or without reference to outside visuals, relying solely on the information gleaned from the cockpit. Readers will find chapters on the national airspace system, the air traffic control system, human factors, aerodynamics, flight instruments, flight maneuvers for IFR operations, navigation, emergency operations, as well as helicopter operations and more. The material in this manual applies to both conventional "steam-gauge" analog instrumentation and the "glass cockpit" electronic flight displays found in advanced aircraft. Information is well organized into separate coverage of the traditional "6-pack" and discussions of pictorial "tape" displays. Advanced systems are covered, including flight management systems, the primary flight display (PFD) and multi-function display (MFD), synthetic vision, and traffic advisory systems. The book also features a synopsis of instrument clearance shorthand, as well as an instrument training lesson guide. The Instrument Flying Handbook is designed for use by flight instructors, pilots preparing for the Instrument Rating FAA Knowledge and Practical Exams, and instrument-rated pilots looking for a refresher or preparing for an Instrument Proficiency Check (IPC). Illustrated throughout with detailed, full-color drawings and photographs; comprehensive glossary and index.

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