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AIRCADEMY Complete BZF-Guide AIRCADEMY Complete BZF-Guide
Lehrunterlagen für die Theorieprüfung
ab 7,95 € *
The Pilot's Manual: Multi-Engine Flying The Pilot's Manual: Multi-Engine Flying
Multi-engine flying opens up new opportunities to utilize an airplane for personal or professional transportation, allowing you to cruise faster, carry more passengers or cargo, and in most cases, fly higher and in greater comfort. With...
ab 38,17 € *
Takeoffs and Landings Takeoffs and Landings
Leighton Collins' aviation classic provides expert, flight-tested techniques pilots need to takeoff and land safely, skillfully, every time.
ab 21,50 € *
E-Learning Eisenschmidt Academy Menschliches Leistungsvermögen E-Learning Auffrischungskurs: Menschliches Leistungsvermögen
Onlinekurs zur Auffrischung für PPL
49,00 € *
E-Learning Luftrecht E-Learning Grundkurs: Luftrecht
Onlinekurs für den Theorieunterricht und Vorbereitung auf die PPL Theorie-Prüfung
99,00 € *
Oral Exam Guide: Private - 13th Edition Oral Exam Guide: Private - 13th Edition
Complies with the FAA Airman Certification Standards, rules and procedures. Contains the questions most frequently asked by FAA examiners during the airplane checkride, and the appropriate responses.
ab 19,00 € *
AIRCADEMY Complete UL-Guide AIRCADEMY Complete UL-Guide
Lehrunterlagen für die Theorieprüfung
ab 7,99 € *
Global Navigation for Pilots Global Navigation for Pilots
Stellt Hintergrundwissen vor, welches für den internationalen und ozeanischen Betrieb notwendig ist.
ab 54,90 € *
The Pilot's Manual 2: Ground School (6th Edition) The Pilot's Manual 2: Ground School (6th Edition)
This textbook covers all the aeronautical knowledge required to pass the FAA knowledge exams and operate as a Private or Commercial pilot. Download the FREE Private syllabus or Commercial syllabus to use with this text.
69,95 € *
Pilots Manual 3 - Instrument Flying The Pilot's Manual 3: Instrument Flying (8th Edition)
An Instrument Rating opens new doors—enabling a pilot to fly more, day or night, in clear or cloudy weather. A pilot with an Instrument Rating is a skilled aviator who has demonstrated mastery of the airplane’s instrument systems and can...
74,95 € *
E-Learning Eisenschmidt Academy General Navigation E-Learning Auffrischungskurs: Allgemeine Navigation (Englisch)
Onlinekurs zur Auffrischung für PPL
49,00 € *
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