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Ascend to instrument flight - The extract for on the way

(Order No.: S5450103)

Aufsteigen zum Instrumentenflug
€39.00 *

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The book "Ascending to Instrument Flight" is quite practical. It is based on a 12-month column... more

The book "Ascending to Instrument Flight" is quite practical. It is based on a 12-month column by Michael, which was published in the magazine fliegermagazin under the same name in 2014/15. Later articles by Michael from the magazine have been added - all of them have been updated and extended. Thus all important topics of practical instrument flight are covered and the contents of the practical IFR training - be it Enroute or Competency based - IFR or the classical IFR, which is part of the ATPL training to become a commercial pilot, are covered. Theoretical and technical contents are only covered if they are directly relevant to practical IFR flying. The book is therefore not only an ideal tool for flight instructors but also indispensable reading for anyone who is considering acquiring an instrument rating, is already in training or is travelling under instrument flight rules for private or business purposes and wants to refresh their knowledge and skills and raise them to a higher, more professional level. The philosophy of the book is also to constantly develop itself further according to new technology, laws, procedures and knowledge and to be as up-to-date as possible for the planned eBook and new print runs.

Book style: Soft-cover
Medium: Paper / Book / Magazine
Language: German
Condor Schlüsselanhänger Mini trailer - REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT
Content 5 Stück
€24.95 *
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