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IFR compact - The knowledge of instrument flight

(Order No.: S5450116)

Die kleine IFR-Fibel
€25.00 *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Ready for shipment: Delivery within 1-3 workdays


IFR stands for "Instrument Flight Rules" and refers to flying exclusively by instruments. It is... more

The newest book of the famous flight instructor and author Winfried Kassera!

IFR stands for "Instrument Flight Rules" and refers to flying exclusively by instruments. It is the top class for private pilots and the entry into the "serious" pilot career. Without an instrument rating, one may only fly according to visual flight rules, which greatly limits the flying possibilities. This volume by the experienced flight instructor Winfried Kassera is structured according to the EASA syllabus for IFR training and prepares very specifically for the exam. All important topics such as instrumentation, meteorology, aviation law etc. are presented in detail.

Book style: Gebundene Ausgabe
Flight rule: IFR
Medium: Paper / Book / Magazine
Language: German
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