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Aviation Training

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IFR Practice: Manual of Instrument Flight IFR Practice: Manual of Instrument Flight
This book is an absolutely practical and comprehensive description of all IFR procedures and everything that goes with them, such as the important interface between pilot and air traffic control, dealing with IFR-relevant weather and...
€44.99 *
Checklist Piper PA-28 Checklist Piper PA-28
AFE aircraft checklists remain unique in having been designed and written by a flying instructor experienced on each particular type. In keeping with AFE’s design philosophy, every checklist is thoroughly researched and verified against...
€15.00 *
Checkliste Cessna 172 Checklist Cessna C-172
AFE aircraft checklists remain unique in having been designed and written by a flying instructor experienced on each particular type. In keeping with AFE’s design philosophy, every checklist is thoroughly researched and verified against...
€15.00 *
Pilot's Guide Series: Cessna 172 Pilot's Guide Series: Cessna 172
Subjects covered in detail include an overall description of the aircraft, limitations, handling characteristics, and loading/performance data. All the information is gleaned from flying experiences by experts in the industry, and is...
From €16.80 *
Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - High Wing Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - For High Wing Aircraft (5th edition)
Traditionally known as the "blue maneuvers book," this handbook complies with current practical test standards and regulations.
From €23.90 *
Checkliste Cessna 150/152 Checklist Cessna C150/152
AFE aircraft checklists remain unique in having been designed and written by a flying instructor experienced on each particular type. In keeping with AFE’s design philosophy, every checklist is thoroughly researched and verified against...
€15.00 *
Mentales Training für Piloten - Stressfrei und sicher fliegen Mentales Training für Piloten - Stressfrei und sicher fliegen
Mentales Training ist die Grundlage für den Erfolg: Ohne mentale Stärke kann man sein Leistungspotential nicht optimal nutzen. Das gilt für Sport und Freizeit, für den Beruf, aber auch für die Fliegerei. Dieser praxisnahe Band gibt jedem...
€19.95 *
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (2023 Release) Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (2023 Release)
Important FAA Handbook includes principles of flight, airplanes and engines, performance, weather, navigation, and more. (FAA-H-8083-25C)
From €32.95 *
Dynamische Flugsicherheit Dynamische Flugsicherheit in der Privatfliegerei
Leitfaden für Privatpiloten, Fluglehrer und Flugsportvereine
€29.90 *
2025 FAR/AIM FAR/AIM 2021 (Softcover)
Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information Manual. Rules and procedures for aviators including regulations pertinent to pilots, drone operators, and instructors.
€29.95 *
Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms - 7. Edition Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms - 7. Edition
More than 11,000 accurate, aviation-specific terms and definitions.
From €19.00 *
Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - Low Wing Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - For Low Wing Aircraft (5th edition)
Traditionally known as the "red maneuvers book," this handbook complies with current FAA test standards and regulations.
From €23.90 *
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