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Advanced Avionics Handbook

(Order No.: S5403064)

Advanced Avionics Handbook
Quantity Unit price
To 19 €25.00 *
From 20 €22.50 *

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Das Buch ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. This new FAA handbook (FAA-H-8083-6,... more

Das Buch ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar.

This new FAA handbook (FAA-H-8083-6, Effective 2009) provides general aviation users with comprehensive information on the advanced avionics equipment available in technically advanced aircraft (TAA). VFR and IFR operations in aircraft with the latest integrated “glass cockpit” instrumentation are covered here, helping pilots understand which advanced avionics systems to use and when.

Readers will learn the “knob-ology” associated with operating cockpit-computers, including data entry, maintaining current databases, and accessing information from the various screens. Common pilot errors, catching those errors, and instrument failures are discussed, as well as recommendations for using standby instruments during both normal and emergency operations. Each phase of flight is covered, so readers will know how to execute departure, enroute and approach procedures using glass cockpit instrumentation.

Subjects covered include the Primary Flight Display (PFD), Multi-Function Display (MFD), moving maps, terrain, cockpit weather, traffic data, fuel management systems, and electronic charts and checklists. Essential skills checklists and summaries conclude each chapter for a comprehensive review and quick-check reference.

Book style: Soft-cover
Manufacturer / Publisher: ASA
Language: English
Condor Schlüsselanhänger Mini trailer - REMOVE BEFORE FLIGHT
Content 5 Stück
€24.95 *