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our store is closed on 24., 30. and 31.12.24. On 23 und 27 as well as 02 and 03.01.25 we are open regularly. On 30.12. you can reach us by phone and email. 

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
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Navigation Plotter PN1 Navigation Plotter PN1
For 1:500,000 and 1:1,000,000 scale maps, distances in Nautical and Statute Miles, numbers highlighted in white.
€17.90 *
Holding Pattern Visualizer Holding Pattern Visualizer
Ideal zum Training der Holding-Verfahren, einfach in der Bedienung!
€17.95 *
Navimat 504 up to 400 km/h Navimat 504 up to 400 km/h
Compass for easy reading of distances on the ICAO map 1:500.000. Reading of the distance in NM and KM, reading of the flight time for the measured distance. Up to a speed of 400 km/h.
€35.00 *
Kompassrose, Set mit 10 Stück Kompassrose, Set mit 10 Stück
Selbstklebende Kompassrose
Content 10 Stück (€0.70 * / 1 Stück)
€7.00 *
Landing Pattern Computer Landing Pattern Computer
Visueller Leitfaden für das Verkehrsmuster : Das Piloten die Einfahrt, den Abstieg, die Basis und die zugwiesene Landebahn auf einen Blick sehen können.
€17.95 *
Einhand-Marinezirkel Einhand-Marinezirkel
Hochglanzverchromt, Seewasserfest, Länge geschlossen 180 mm.
€29.80 *
Frixion Ball Mine Einzeln Rot Dry marker, non-permanent
Nachfüllmine für den Tintenroller FriXion Ball.
€1.79 *
IFR Enroute Plotter PV5 IFR Enroute Plotter PV5
Für alle Jeppesen-Enroute-Charts.
€14.50 *
Instrument Plotter Instrument Plotter
Designed for easier IFR flight planning and in-flight reference. Made of durable Lexan®. Includes current NACO chart scales! ASA's instrument plotter includes all current IFR chart scales, and features: 12 scales to accommodate both NACO...
€14.95 *
Ultimate Fixed Plotter CP1-LX Ultimate Fixed Plotter CP1-LX
Made of Lexan®. Features 8 scales to meet the needs of all VFR aeronautical charts — nautical on one side, statute on the flip.
€16.95 *
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