Dear customers,

our store is closed on 24., 30. and 31.12.24. On 23 und 27 as well as 02 and 03.01.25 we are open regularly. On 30.12. you can reach us by phone and email. 

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 
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Airline Interview - The Exercise Book Airline Interview - The Exercise Book
The recruitment of pilots has become a process with a scientific methodology. Airlines base the selection of their pilots on both the flying and social qualifications of the individual applicants and secure their decision with...
€19.90 *
Airline-Interview Airline-Interview
The attitude tests of German and European airlines for pilots are modularly structured. In the first stages of the selection procedures, applicants are subjected to in-depth computer-based screenings to determine their operational and...
€19.90 *