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Liqui Moly AERO Fly Safe Engine Protector

(Order No.: S4240053)

Liqui Moly AERO Fly Safe Engine Protector
€28.70 *
Content: 0.08 Liter (€358.75 * / 1 Liter)

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

Ready for shipment: Delivery within 1-3 workdays


Reduces friction and wear in the engine.   Special development from LIQUI MOLY for... more

Reduces friction and wear in the engine.


Special development from LIQUI MOLY for large-volume aircraft engines. Suitable for in-line, boxer and radial engines.


Oil refinement for addition to engine oil.


The air-cooled, large-volume aircraft engines from Lycoming and Continental are older technical developments.


The use of these engines is usually not ideal for the service life of such units:


many cold starts

often a lot of aeroplane lap operations

rarely long flights over 60 minutes

full power on takeoff often at the weight limit

high outside temperatures

climb flights with full power

danger of incorrect operation (too lean, or too rich) due to frequent pilot changes

strong cooling during descent (shockcooling)

Packaging unit for shipyards and distributors: 6 pieces

These factors do not only cause high temperatures, but also the danger of oil dilution. As a result

the lubricity of the oil suffers and thus the life span of the engine.


Oil consumption increases with increasing operating hours.


Another factor is the often long flight breaks. The untreated oil can no longer fulfill its task of corrosion protection by adhering to metallic parts.


Under these extremely harsh operating conditions, the oil plays a key role in the operational reliability and longevity of the engine.


LIQUI MOLY AERO Fly Safe Engine Protector:


is a high-tech ceramic wear protector that prevents direct metal-to-metal contact

is a special development for large volume aircraft engines

is stable even under extreme temperature fluctuations and dynamic continuous stresses

reduces friction and wear in the engine

saves fuel

prevents internal corrosion

increases engine life

increases running smoothness

increases compression

provides better sealing between piston and cylinder

ensures higher power output due to reduced friction

has emergency running properties

is sufficient for max. 8 liters

Content: 300 ml

Scope of delivery

1 can á 300 ml

LIQUI MOLY AERO Fly Safe Engine & Gearbox Protector:

  • beugt auch bei längerem Nichtgebrauch des Motors innerer Korrosion vor
  • wurde speziell entwickelt für 4-Takt Ultraleichtmotoren mit und ohne Rutschkupplung
  • ist ein High Tech Keramik Verschleißschutz, welcher den direkten Metall Metall Kontakt verhindert
  • reduziert Reibung und Verschleiß im Motor und dem Getriebe
  • ist auch stabil bei hohen thermischen und dynamischen Dauerbeanspruchungen
  • widersteht extrem hohen und niedrigen Temperaturen
  • spart Kraftstoff
  • erhöht die Motorlebensdauer beugt innerer Korrosion vor
  • erhöht die Laufruhe und die Kompression
  • erhöht die Leistungsausbeute durch reduzierte Reibung
  • verfügt über Notlaufeigenschaften
  • ist ausreichend bis max. 4 Liter
  • Verpackungseinheit für Werften und Vertriebspartner: 12 Stück

Der Inhalt dieser Tube ist abgestimmt und ausreichend für die Zugabe beim Ölwechsel des ROTAX 912er Motors.
