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Practical Safety Management Systems Practical Safety Management Systems
Practical Safety Management Systems
From €39.90 *
Practical Electricity for Aviation Maintenance Technicians Practical Electricity for Aviation Maintenance Technicians
Practical Electricity for Aviation Maintenance Technicians
From €54.90 *
starterset segelflug segelfliegen size l Segelflug-Starter-Set "Ready to Fly" Size M
Set with the most important utensils for launching in the cockpit
€87.92 * €64.00 *
Segelflug-Starter-Set "Ready to Fly" Size L Segelflug-Starter-Set "Ready to Fly" Size L
Set with the most important utensils for launching in the cockpit
€192.94 * €129.00 *
Airline Pilot Technical Interviews - 4th Edition (Softcover) Airline Pilot Technical Interviews - 4th Edition (Softcover)
All kinds of technical questions can be asked in an airline interview, yet there is a specific approach pilot applicants should take to successfully prepare for this part of the hiring process. In this expanded fourth edition of the...
From €23.80 *
Aviation Maintenance Technician Series: Airframe Systems (4th Edition) Aviation Maintenance Technician Series: Airframe Systems (4th Edition)
Airframe Systems, the second book in Dale Crane’s four-part Aviation Mechanic Series, covers the various systems involved with the airframe: electrical, fuel, cabin atmospheric control, aircraft instruments, communication and navigation,...
From €59.95 *
Aviation Mechanic Oral & Practical Exam Guide (4th Edition) Aviation Mechanic Oral & Practical Exam Guide (4th Edition)
This book prepares Aviation Mechanic students for the general, airframe, and powerplant oral and practical exams, the final step in the Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) certification process.
From €19.95 *
Aviation Mechanic Series: General (5th Edition) Aviation Mechanic Series: General (5th Edition)
Dale Crane's Aviation Mechanic Series is the essential resource to pass the FAA Knowledge Exams for Aviation Maintenance Technicians.
From €79.95 *
Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Airframe (2023 Release) Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Airframe (2023 Release)
This FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Mechanic certificate, Airframe section. The FAA Airframe test questions are drawn from here. (FAA-H-8083-31B)
From €89.95 *
Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Powerplant (2023 Release) Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Powerplant (2023 Release)
This FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Mechanic certificate, Powerplant section. The FAA Powerplant test questions are drawn from here. (FAA-H-8083-32B)
From €46.95 *
Practical Test Standards: Flight Instructor Practical Test Standards: Flight Instructor Instrument (2024)
The FAA Practical Test Standards (PTS) for the Instrument Flight Instructor (CFII), Airplanes and Helicopters.
From €6.00 *
ASA Oral Exam Guide: Multi-Engine, 9th Edition Oral Exam Guide: Multi-Engine, 9th Edition
Contains the questions most frequently asked by FAA examiners during the multi-engine checkride, and the appropriate responses.
From €19.95 *
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