Dear customers,

Due to illness, our Customer Support team will be reduced on 4 and 5 January. This may result in longer waiting times on the phone and when answering emails. The shop will be open as normal. 

Thank you for your understanding.
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Aviation Training

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VFR Radiotelephony simulator version 5 VFR Radiotelephony simulator version 5
Trainieren Sie Ihr BZF-Können mit dem VFR Sprechfunk Simulator. Ideal für den Flugschüler, Fluglehrer oder Professional.
€89.00 *
IFR Radiotelephony simulator (download version) IFR Radiotelephony simulator (download version)
Train your radio skills for the AZF exam with the download version of the IFR radio simulator!
€109.00 *
Language Proficiency Trainer (Download-Version) Language Proficiency Trainer (Download-Version)
Mit der Trainingssoftware "Proficiency Language Training" können Sie sich für den ICAO Language Proficiency Test (Level 4) vorbereiten, der für das englische Sprechfunkzeugnis (BZF I und AZF) benötigt wird.
€54.00 *
Aviationschool: Box 2 - Navigation PPL/ATPL Aviationschool: Box 2 - Navigation PPL/ATPL
Der Intensivkurs Navigation für PPL- und ATPL-Piloten. Die Filme behandeln im Fach Allgemeine Navigation die Themen Koordinaten, Großkreis, Karten in der Luftfahrt, Zeit, Magnetismus, Kursbegriffe, Umrechnungen und das Grid System....
€149.00 *
Proficient Flying: The Very Best of Barry Schiff (DVD) Proficient Flying: The Very Best of Barry Schiff (DVD)
Barry Schiff brings critical subjects to life in this 3-DVD set. Barry Schiff needs no introduction. He’s known throughout the industry as a consummate aviator, author and educator with a passion for General Aviation like few others. His...
€39.95 *
Virtual Test Prep - Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep - Flight Maneuvers
This is the fun stuff-taking off, landing, and maneuvering the airplane with precision and grace. Flight maneuvers are challenging, rewarding, essential for safe flying...they are the backbone of the practical exam or checkride with the...
€49.95 *
Virtual Test Prep - Instrument Pilot (Blu-ray) Virtual Test Prep - Instrument Pilot (Blu-ray)
Instrument Pilot Virtual Test Prep–An Aviation Ground School brings the classroom to any home TV or computer DVD or Blu-Ray player. Includes Instrument Pilot Prepware and both widescreen DVDs and high-definition Blu-Ray disks so you can...
€225.00 *
ASA Inspection Authorization Prepware Software 8. Auflage Inspection Authorization Prepware (Software)
Comprehensive preparation and study software for the Inspection Authorization FAA Knowledge Exam.
€54.80 *
Virtual Test Prep - Private Pilot Virtual Test Prep - Private Pilot
Comprehensive video ground school prepares you for the Private Pilot FAA Knowledge Exam. Contains DVD disks, a Blu-ray disc, Prepware Download and subscription to Prepware Online. Contact ASA for multi-user licensing.
€149.95 *