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E-Learning basic course: General navigation

(Order No.: A5207023)

€179.00 *

Prices incl. VAT plus shipping costs

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Basic course for the subject of aviation law for the theory test (course language: German) The... more

Basic course for the subject of aviation law for the theory test (course language: German)

The Pilots First Academy's basic courses enable prospective pilots of all licences to acquire the necessary knowledge for the theoretical examination. The courses contain the elementary contents according to the recommendations of the EASA syllabus. This makes it possible to effectively prepare for and follow up on theory lessons online, regardless of time and place.

Our e-learning course on ‘General Navigation’ is a comprehensive and practical training programme for pilots. In this course, participants learn the basics of the earth, how to use various navigation aids such as various aeronautical charts and navigation computers as well as important calculations for course, speed and distance. You will also learn how to determine your own position and how geographical and magnetic influences interact. This will enable you to plan routes, correct course deviations and reach your destination safely using traditional methods.

The course comprises 11 modules created by experienced and qualified flight instructors. Each module includes a detailed explanation of the respective topic. At the end of each module, participants have the opportunity to take a test to check what they have learnt. The questions are based on the level of the theoretical examination.

Table of contents

1. notes on the VFR aeronautical chart:

1.1 Ma

Translated with (free version)

The course lasts approx. 12 hours.
Access to the course: 12 months

Advantages of the Pilots First Academy online courses:

  • The course material is written in easy-to-understand language.
  • Numerous pictures, graphics and animations help with comprehension.
  • Interactive functions such as quizzes and tasks reinforce what has been learnt.
  • Available online at any time via an up-to-date browser.
  • Users can learn at their own pace.

In all Pilots First Academy courses, the digital presentation of the learning content ensures variety and fun. And additional visualisation helps the brain to remember what has been learned.

The content of the e-learning courses is based on the exam topics and questions that are frequently answered incorrectly in the DAeC's question catalogue on the Aviationexam platform. The courses have been developed by experts in their field together with flight instructors. The aim of each course is to ensure that content and contexts are understood in order to be able to answer the exam questions correctly.

The course "Flight execution plan - planning and executing VFR flights safely" (course language: German) is available to every participant free of charge in their learning environment.

Flight rule: VFR
Manufacturer / Publisher: R. Eisenschmidt GmbH
Licences: PPL, SPL, UL
Medium: Download / Online
Language: German
  • Internet connection (courses are only available online)
  • All current generation internet browsers (Edge, Firefox, Chrome, Safari,...).
  • Access is via: