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E-Learning Eisenschmidt Academy Funknavigation E-Learning refresher course: Radio navigation
Knowledge preparation for the theory exam.
€49.00 *
PPL Fragenkatalog_Aviationexam PPL Fragenkatalog - Online activation code
Bereiten Sie sich effizient auf Ihre Theorieprüfung vor! Die PPL-Fragendatenbank von Aviationexam ist immer aktuell, komplett und der Standard für den deutschen Piloten.
From €69.00 *
UL-Fragenkatalog DAeC UL-questionnaire DAeC - Online activation code
Effiziente Vorbereitung auf die UL Theorieprüfung.
From €49.00 *
PPL Fragenkatalog Produktkarte 1,12 oder 24 Monate PPL Fragenkatalog - Product card
effizient auf die Theorieprüfung vorbereit!
From €69.00 *
E-Learning Eisenschmidt Academy Meteorolgie E-Learning refresher course: Meterology
Knowledge preparation for the theory exam.
€49.00 *
E-Learning Eisenschmidt Academy Allgemeine Navigation E-Learning refresher course: General navigation
Knowledge preparation for the theory exam.
€49.00 *
E-Learning Eisenschmidt Academy Flugleistung und -planung E-Learning refresher course: Planning & Flight Performance
Knowledge preparation for the theory exam.
€49.00 *
UL Fragenkatalog Produktkarte 12 oder 24 Monate Fragenkatalog SPL-UL/LL - Product card
Product card: Prepare efficiently for your theory test! The SPL/UL/LL question database is always up-to-date, complete and the standard for the German pilot. At a glance: Online: Learn online across multiple platforms and use the apps to...
From €49.00 *
E-Learning Luftrecht E-Learning basic course: Aviation law
Knowledge preparation for the theory exam.
€179.00 *
The Pilot's Manual 2: Ground School (6th Edition) The Pilot's Manual 2: Ground School (6th Edition)
This textbook covers all the aeronautical knowledge required to pass the FAA knowledge exams and operate as a Private or Commercial pilot. Download the FREE Private syllabus or Commercial syllabus to use with this text.
€69.95 *
Fragenkatalog SPL-UL/LL - Online activation code Fragenkatalog SPL-UL/LL - Online activation code
Bereiten Sie sich effizient auf Ihre Theorieprüfung vor! Die SPL/UL-Fragendatenbank von Aviationexam ist immer aktuell, komplett und der Standard für den deutschen Piloten.
From €49.00 *
The Pilot's Manual 1: Flight School (eBundle) The Pilot's Manual 1: Flight School (eBundle)
The book series has been written by a team of experts in flight instruction, airline and military pilots, examiners and FAA staff with extensive expertise and training experience. The subject matter is professionally conveyed through...
From €59.00 *