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Pilot`s Free Flight Atlas USA Pilot`s Free Flight Atlas USA
Straßenatlas mit Abdeckung der USA, südl. Canada, Mexiko, Karibik und Virgin Islands im Maßstab 1:2 Millionen mit Basisinformationen wie Berge, Seen, Flüsse, Bahnlinien, Ländergrenzen,Städte, Dörfer, Highways, Landstraßen, Naturparks und...
29,99 € *
Transition to Twins Transition to Twins
There is a wealth of flight training information that relies on word of mouth for distribution. Some pilots are lucky enough to rub shoulders with someone who had the wisdom of experience and the desire to pass it on. David Robson's book...
ab 18,90 € *
Global Navigation for Pilots Global Navigation for Pilots
Stellt Hintergrundwissen vor, welches für den internationalen und ozeanischen Betrieb notwendig ist.
ab 54,90 € *
Airline-Interview Airline-Interview
Die Einstellungstests deutscher und europäischer Fluggesellschaften für Piloten sind modular aufgebaut. In den ersten Stufen der Auswahlverfahren werden Bewerber eingehend computergestützten Screenings zur Bestimmung ihrer operationellen...
19,90 € *
Never get lost - Interpretation der Funknavigation (USB-Stick) Never get lost - Interpretation der Funknavigation (USB-Stick)
Die interaktive Never Get Lost USB-Stick ist die ideale Ergänzung zum gleichnamigen Buch, kann aber auch erfolgreich getrennt von diesem eingesetzt werden. Der Autor von Never Get Lost, Wilhelm Thaller, hat jahrelange Erfahrung in der...
60,00 € *
Seaplane Pilot Seaplane Pilot
ab 34,50 € *
Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial Manual
The Instrument/Commercial Manual is your primary source for initial study and review to achieve an instrument rating or commercial pilot certificate. The intuitive organization and colorful presentation of the manual will help you learn...
110,10 € *
Instrument Procedures Guide Instrument Procedures Guide
Enlist this guide as a useful training reference for your IFR operations. This Instrument Procedures Handbook is based on FAA-H-8260-1. We also recommend that you become familiar with the pertinent part of 14 CFR and the Aeronautical...
56,00 € *
Helicopter Maneuvers Manual Helicopter Maneuvers Manual
A step-by-step illustrated guide to performing all helicopter operations. An excellent resource for students and flight instructors alike, the Helicopter Maneuvers Manual helps pilots acquire a mental picture of each phase of flight....
ab 19,95 € *
Proficient Flying: The Very Best of Barry Schiff (DVD) Proficient Flying: The Very Best of Barry Schiff (DVD)
Barry Schiff brings critical subjects to life in this 3-DVD set. Barry Schiff needs no introduction. He’s known throughout the industry as a consummate aviator, author and educator with a passion for General Aviation like few others. His...
39,95 € *
Instrument Flying Handbook Instrument Flying Handbook
This is the FAA's primary pilot resource for instrument flight rules (IFR) covering everything pertinent to operating an aircraft in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) or without reference to outside visuals, relying solely on...
ab 24,00 € *
Advanced Avionics Handbook Advanced Avionics Handbook
Das Buch ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. This new FAA handbook (FAA-H-8083-6, Effective 2009) provides general aviation users with comprehensive information on the advanced avionics equipment available in technically advanced...
ab 25,00 € *
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