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Glider Flying Handbook (Book) Glider Flying Handbook (Book)
Wunderbar illustriertes Handbuch, geeignet für die die Vorbereitung für eine Berechtigung oder zum Auffrischen bereits bestehenden Wissens.
24,80 € *
21st Century Flight Training 21st Century Flight Training
A powerful new resource for flight instructors and their students, with insights into the challenges of training in the new millennium.
ab 29,95 € *
International Aircraft Directory Third Edition International Aircraft Directory Third Edition
The One-Stop Reference for the most popular aircraft ever flown! The Plane & Pilot editors have done a tremendous job providing readers with detailed descriptions and photographs for hundreds of the most popular aircraft from around the...
ab 19,90 € *
Virtual Test Prep - Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep - Flight Maneuvers
Das ist der spaßige Teil: Starten, Landen und das Flugzeug mit Präzision und Grazie manövrieren. Flugmanöver sind herausfordernd, lohnend und unerlässlich für sicheres Fliegen... sie sind das Rückgrat der praktischen Prüfung oder...
49,95 € *
Inspection Authorization Test Prep (Buch) Inspection Authorization Test Prep (Buch)
Comprehensive study tool for the FAA Inspection Authorization Knowledge Exam.
ab 29,95 € *
The Instrument Flight Manual The Instrument Flight Manual
The Instrument Rating and Beyond Based on the original text by William K. Kershner, this new seventh edition has been updated throughout to reflect current regulations, operating procedures, and technology. Written for the pilot desiring...
ab 39,95 € *
ASA: Checklist for Success (7th Edition) ASA: Checklist for Success (7th Edition)
Even with a wealth of technical experience, many pilots find the pilot selection process frustrating. In addition to technical experience today’s airline pilot must also demonstrate highly developed leadership, decision-making and...
ab 23,80 € *
The Complete Private Pilot (13th Edition) The Complete Private Pilot (13th Edition)
"There are always better, if not 'new' ways to communicate aviation information...that's what Bob Gardner has accomplished with The Complete Private Pilot." — Richard Taylor, from the Foreword This textbook is for anyone interested in...
ab 25,43 € *
Segeln über den Alpen Segeln über den Alpen
Jochen von Kalckreuth vermittelt in diesem Band grundlegende und nach wie vor gültige Techniken, die in dieser Umgebung für den Segelflieger unerlässlich sind. Das Buch zählt zu den Klassikern der Segelflugliteratur.
19,95 € *
Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Powerplant (2023 Release) Aviation Maintenance Technician Handbook: Powerplant (2023 Release)
This FAA handbook provides knowledge for earning the Aviation Mechanic certificate, Powerplant section. The FAA Powerplant test questions are drawn from here. (FAA-H-8083-32B)
ab 46,95 € *
2025 FAR/AIM FAR/AIM 2025 (Softcover)
Federal Aviation Regulations and Aeronautical Information Manual. Rules and procedures for aviators including regulations pertinent to pilots, drone operators, and instructors.
29,95 € *
Virtual Test Prep - Instrument Pilot (Blu-ray) Virtual Test Prep - Instrument Pilot (Blu-ray)
Instrument Pilot Virtual Test Prep–An Aviation Ground School brings the classroom to any home TV or computer DVD or Blu-Ray player. Includes Instrument Pilot Prepware and both widescreen DVDs and high-definition Blu-Ray disks so you can...
225,00 € *
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