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IFR kompakt - Das Wissen zum Instrumentenflug (3. Auflage) IFR kompakt - Das Wissen zum Instrumentenflug (3. Auflage)
Behandelt alle wichtigen Themen für die IFR-Ausbildung.
56,00 € *
Fly Safe - Crew Resource Management für Privatpiloten Fly Safe - Crew Resource Management für Privatpiloten
Intensive Auseinandersetzung mit der Arbeitsbelastungsproblematik in der Privatfliegerei.
24,90 € *
Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - Low Wing Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - For Low Wing Aircraft (5th edition)
Traditionally known as the "red maneuvers book," this handbook complies with current FAA test standards and regulations.
ab 23,90 € *
Takeoffs and Landings Takeoffs and Landings
Leighton Collins' aviation classic provides expert, flight-tested techniques pilots need to takeoff and land safely, skillfully, every time.
ab 21,50 € *
Caravan Cessna's Swiss Army Knife with Wings ASA-CARAVAN 9781560276821 Caravan: Cessna's Swiss Army Knife with Wings!
Begleiten Sie die Autoren J.D. Lewis und LeRoy Cook bei einer Erforschung der unglaublichen Cessna Caravan.
ab 19,80 € *
Global Navigation for Pilots Global Navigation for Pilots
Stellt Hintergrundwissen vor, welches für den internationalen und ozeanischen Betrieb notwendig ist.
ab 54,90 € *
Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - High Wing Visualized Flight Maneuvers Handbook - For High Wing Aircraft (5th edition)
Traditionally known as the "blue maneuvers book," this handbook complies with current practical test standards and regulations.
ab 23,90 € *
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (2023 Release) Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge (2023 Release)
Important FAA Handbook includes principles of flight, airplanes and engines, performance, weather, navigation, and more. (FAA-H-8083-25C)
ab 32,95 € *
Transition to Twins Transition to Twins
There is a wealth of flight training information that relies on word of mouth for distribution. Some pilots are lucky enough to rub shoulders with someone who had the wisdom of experience and the desire to pass it on. David Robson's book...
ab 18,90 € *
Instrument Procedures Guide Instrument Procedures Guide
Enlist this guide as a useful training reference for your IFR operations. This Instrument Procedures Handbook is based on FAA-H-8260-1. We also recommend that you become familiar with the pertinent part of 14 CFR and the Aeronautical...
56,00 € *
Proficient Flying: The Very Best of Barry Schiff (DVD) Proficient Flying: The Very Best of Barry Schiff (DVD)
Barry Schiff brings critical subjects to life in this 3-DVD set. Barry Schiff needs no introduction. He’s known throughout the industry as a consummate aviator, author and educator with a passion for General Aviation like few others. His...
39,95 € *
Instrument Flying Handbook Instrument Flying Handbook
This is the FAA's primary pilot resource for instrument flight rules (IFR) covering everything pertinent to operating an aircraft in instrument meteorological conditions (IMC) or without reference to outside visuals, relying solely on...
ab 24,00 € *
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