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Air Traffic Control Career Prep (eBundle)

(Artikel-Nr.: S5403060)

Air Traffic Control Career Prep (eBundle)
Menge Stückpreis
bis 19 54,95 € *
ab 20 49,45 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


This third edition of Air Traffic Control Career Prep is a comprehensive guide to one of the... mehr

A comprehensive guide to one of the best-paying Federal government careers, including test preparation for the initial Air Traffic Control exams. Includes software suite!

This third edition of Air Traffic Control Career Prep is a comprehensive guide to one of the best-paying Federal government careers, including the test preparation for the initial Air Traffic Control exams. Also included in this book are instructions on how to access the ATC Career Prep Software Suite so you can become familiar with and practice the 8 tests in the AT-SAT exam.

Air traffic controllers can earn high salaries and get good benefits--they are in big demand as much of the current workforce prepares to retire. Industry reports claim that as many as 11,800 NEW air traffic controllers will be needed over the next ten years.

Patrick Mattson's Air Traffic Control Career Prep introduces you to the aviation industry, the FAA's role, and what to expect as you pursue this career, with general information on opportunities, working conditions and benefits, and training and qualification requirements. This "ATC Career Prep" will be beneficial to propective ATC candidates who want to improve their chances of earning a high score on the ATC entrance exam.

The ATC pre-employment and aptitude test known as the "AT-SAT" is covered here--the subjects and the time allowed, and with ample practice sets to study. Sample questions, answers, and explanations for each of the subjects are provided, including analogies, scan ability, angles and applied math, dial reading, and ATC scenarios. The practice tests, software suite, and information in this book will serve you well as you start on the exciting career path to becoming an air traffic controller.


Includes download instructions for ATC Career Prep Software Suite.

Buchart: Taschenbuch
Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
Medium: Download / Online, Papier / Buch / Zeitschrift
Sprache: englisch

This is Windows only software. Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8 are supported. 19 MB available hard drive space required.

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