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Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms - 7. Edition

(Artikel-Nr.: S5403045-7)

Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms - 7. Edition
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bis 19 19,00 € *
ab 20 17,10 € *

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Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


The Seventh Edition of Dale Crane’s Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms contains more than 12,000... mehr

The Seventh Edition of Dale Crane’s Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms contains more than 12,000 accurate, aviation-specific terms and definitions. This ultimate reference collects all of the terms in Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, glossaries from FAA handbooks, advisory circulars, the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM) and Pilot/Controller Glossary, as well as definitions not found in government publications. This new edition accounts for the continuing evolution of aviation and aerospace industries, to include drones, commercial space and urban mobility.

New terms and definitions for weather products, unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), human factors, and aerodynamics have been added, and terms pertinent to dispatchers and airline operations such as ETOPS and ADS-B. Nearly 500 illustrations further define and aid visual recognition of the terms, and useful tables and lists are included in appendices.

This comprehensive dictionary is an essential reference book for anyone involved with aviation and space organizations—administrators, pilots, maintenance technicians, drone operators, colleges and universities, air traffic controllers, manufacturers, engineers, government agencies, airlines, and corporate flight departments—as well as newcomers to the industry, and those who speak English as a second language.

Buchart: Taschenbuch
Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
Medium: Papier / Buch / Zeitschrift
Sprache: englisch
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