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Aviation Mechanic Handbook (8th Edition)

(Artikel-Nr.: S5403057-8)

Aviation Mechanic Handbook (8th Edition)
Menge Stückpreis
bis 19 24,95 € *
ab 20 22,46 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


Dale Crane’s handbook for mechanics has been considered “The Aviation Standard” for many years.... mehr


Dale Crane’s handbook for mechanics has been considered “The Aviation Standard” for many years.

A core reference manual for mechanics, aircraft owners, and pilots, this book compiles specs from stacks of reference books and government publications into a handy, toolbox-size guide. Includes information critical to maintaining an aircraft. Your single source for:

  • applicable mathematics, conversions, and formulas
  • aircraft nomenclature, controls, and system specs
  • material/tool identifications
  • hardware sizes/equivalents
  • metal fabrication and fabric covering techniques
  • composite materials
  • aircraft batteries
  • inspections, corrosion detection/control
  • aircraft tire and spark plug information
  • the most frequently used measurements, scales, charts, diagrams... and much more.

This Eighth Edition contains the latest industry practices. Stay-flat flexible spiral binding is easy on all surfaces, and allows for easy on-the-job reference.

Buchart: Spiralbindung/Wire-O-Bindung
Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
Medium: Papier / Buch / Zeitschrift
Sprache: englisch
Gecko Microfasertücher - 6er Pack Gecko Microfasertücher - 6er Pack
Inhalt 1 Stück
5,90 € *
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