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Skybound G2 USB Adapter + Blank NavData Card for Garmin 400/500 WAAS GPS Bundle

(Artikel-Nr.: S6504014)

Skybound G2 USB Adapter + Blank NavData Card for Garmin 400/500 WAAS GPS Bundle
429,00 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


Features of this NavData card for Garmin include: 16MB data card is the largest sold for... mehr

Features of this NavData card for Garmin include:

  • 16MB data card is the largest sold for the 400/500 GPS and can hold our Americas North or International database or any smaller database
  • Compatible with any of the Jeppesen Skybound USB drive reader writers, this includes the current version which is the Jeppesen G2 Skybound
  • Replacing a bad card? Jeppesen offers a full 1 year warranty on all Jeppesen NavData cards
  • Save yourself a trip to the airport! Instead of going to the airport to pull the cards, then going home to program, then back to the airport, why not have an extra card to swap between?
Hersteller / Verlag: JEPPESEN
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