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The Standard Pilot Master Log

(Artikel-Nr.: S4603010)

The Standard Pilot Master Log
24,95 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


ASA's popular logbook is formatted to comply with the standards for all international flyers. In... mehr

ASA's popular logbook is formatted to comply with the standards for all international flyers. In addition to complying with FAA recordkeeping regulations, this logbook complies with ICAO, JAA, CAA, and CASA recordkeeping requirements pertaining to pilots -- including JAR-CFL 1.080.

The finest and most versatile logbooks for aviators. ASA's logbooks have been "The Standard" of the industry for over 30 years and comply with the FAA's recordkeeping requirements. With so many options, there is a logbook that's right for you. Versatile, easy-to-use and flexible enough to fit any pilot's needs, student or ATP.

Columns provide standardization, but are flexible enough to allow pilots to customize to fit their needs. Summary pages allow pilots to track experience, aircraft types, currency, medical dates, flight review, and more for quick reference.



Buchart: Hard Cover
Farbe: schwarz
Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
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