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The Standard EASA FCL-Compliant Pilot Log

(Artikel-Nr.: S4603013)

14,95 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


The  EASA FCL-Compliant Pilot Log  meets European Aviation Safety Agency record... mehr

The EASA FCL-Compliant Pilot Log meets European Aviation Safety Agency record keeping requirements and complies with Flight Crew Licensing rules, EU-FCL.050. A profile page in the front of the logbook provides room to include personal info such as licenses held, date issued, license number, ratings, and aircraft type. Left facing page entry columns include date, departure and arrival (place and time), aircraft make, model, registration, PIC, single time, multi-time, total flight time, and day/night landings. Right page entry columns include conditions of flight (night, IFR), pilot function time (PIC, co-pilot, dual, flight instructor), and date, type, and time of FSTD sessions.

The pages in the back of this logbook include tables for licenses, ratings and types, proficiencies, reviews and medicals, ground instruction log, classification of pilot in command time, make and model of aircraft and number of hours in each.


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Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
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