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ASA Kniebrett KB3-L / Long Tri-Fold Kneeboard

(Artikel-Nr.: S4503008)

49,50 € *

inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Versandkosten

Sofort versandfertig: Lieferzeit 1-3 Werktage


The elongated kneeboard accommodates all aeronautical charts without additional folding. For the... mehr

The elongated kneeboard accommodates all aeronautical charts without additional folding. 3-panel jacket provides plenty of room for charts, books, flight computers, etc. Useful information on board, strong elastic leg strap.

The elongated kneeboard accommodates all aeronautical charts without additional folding. For the pilot looking for a flight "briefcase," the kneeboard fits snugly into a three-panel jacket. The left panel has ample room for small books, papers and oddly-shaped items. The center panel holds the kneeboard under clear plastic with a pen/pencil holder and buttonholes on either side — allowing a pilot to fold back one or both panels with the leg band. The right panel contains a clear pocket for easy map viewing, and the elastic leg band's Velcro closures fit any leg size comfortably. Black nylon with embroidered silver wings logo


Die Karte und der Rechner gehören nicht zum Lieferumfang.

Farbe: schwarz
Hersteller / Verlag: ASA
Material: Nylon
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