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our store is closed on 24., 30. and 31.12.24. On 23 und 27 as well as 02 and 03.01.25 we are open regularly. On 30.12. you can reach us by phone and email. 

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Aviation Training

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Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial Manual
The Instrument/Commercial Manual is your primary source for initial study and review to achieve an instrument rating or commercial pilot certificate. The intuitive organization and colorful presentation of the manual will help you learn...
€110.10 *
Aufsteigen zum Instrumentenflug Aufsteigen zum Instrumentenflug
Umfassendes Buch über die Praxis des Instrumentenflugs im europäischen Raum. Es basiert auf einer vielbeachteten Jahreskolumne des Autors, die im fliegermagazin unter gleichem Namen erschienen ist.
€69.00 *
Einfach fit Einfach fit
Training programs for pilots and all others who lack exercise
€10.90 *
An illustrated Guide to flying (Softcover) An illustrated Guide to flying (Softcover)
An inspiring exploration of the science and wonders of flight.
From €19.95 *
Airline Interview - The Exercise Book Airline Interview - The Exercise Book
The recruitment of pilots has become a process with a scientific methodology. Airlines base the selection of their pilots on both the flying and social qualifications of the individual applicants and secure their decision with...
€19.90 *
Ohne Angst fliegen Ohne Angst fliegen
Wege aus der Flugangst
€14.95 *
Never get lost - Interpretation of radio navigation (USB stick) Never get lost - Interpretation of radio navigation (USB stick)
The interactive Never Get Lost USB stick is the ideal complement to the book of the same name, but can also be used successfully separately. The author of Never Get Lost, Wilhelm Thaller, has many years of experience in the training of...
€60.00 *
Cockpit Procedures Cockpit Procedures
"How-to" guide for what you should be doing in the cockpit during each phase of flight! Written by an experienced instructor and pilot examiner, Cockpit Procedures provides a solid understanding of the underlying principles for, and...
From €19.95 *
21st Century Flight Training 21st Century Flight Training
A powerful new resource for flight instructors and their students, with insights into the challenges of training in the new millennium.
From €29.95 *
Fascination of Ultralight Flying Fascination of Ultralight Flying
Dieser Band ist kein trockenes Lehrbuch, sondern vermittelt die Faszination des Segel- und Gebirgssegelflugs auch Menschen, die sich vielleicht zunächst nur für die Segelfliegerei interessieren.
€29.90 *
Fascination of Ultralight Flying Fascination of Ultralight Flying
Jochen von Kalckreuth vermittelt in diesem Band grundlegende und nach wie vor gültige Techniken, die in dieser Umgebung für den Segelflieger unerlässlich sind. Das Buch zählt zu den Klassikern der Segelflugliteratur.
€19.95 *
Aviation Dictionary Aviation Dictionary
Das Luftfahrt-Wörterbuch von Jeppesen mit mehr als 10.000 Definitionen ist sowohl für Piloten als auch für Luftfahrt-Wartungstechniker geeignet. Das Buch enthält ausgewählte Begriffe aus dem Pilot- / Controller-Glossar, aus den Jeppsesen...
€25.60 *
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