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Guided Flight Discovery: Multi Engine Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Multi Engine Manual
The Multi-Engine Manual uses full-color photos and illustrations to provide complete and concise explanations of the advanced concepts and ideas that every pilot seeking a multi-engine rating needs to know. Incorporating the most recent...
€77.00 *
Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot Manual
The Private Pilot Manual is your primary source for initial study and review on your journey to becoming a private pilot. The intuitive organization and colorful presentation of the manual helps you learn quickly from the start. The text...
€99.45 *
Henschel Flugzeuge seit 1933 - Typenkompass Henschel Flugzeuge seit 1933 - Typenkompass
Als Tochter der bekannten Henschel-Werke entstanden, baute die Henschel Flugzeugwerke AG neben Lizenzaufträgen schnell eigene Entwürfe wie das Sturzkampfflugzeug Hs 123. Ab 1940 entwickelte Henschel sogar ferngelenkte Flugkörper, wie die...
€12.00 *
Test Pilot: 1,001 Things You Thought You Knew About Aviation Test Pilot: 1,001 Things You Thought You Knew About Aviation
Regarding his choice of questions for the “Test Pilot” column material, Barry Schiff asserts, “… If the answer isn’t surprising, educational, or entertaining, I don’t want it …” Schiff is on a continuous quest for aviation knowledge—and...
From €19.80 *
Nondestructive & Ultrasonic Testing for Aircraft Nondestructive & Ultrasonic Testing for Aircraft
Preparation, procedures, inspections, applications, and testing methods are discussed in this reprint of two FAA Advisory Circulars. 96 pages.
From €9.80 *
International Aircraft Directory Third Edition International Aircraft Directory Third Edition
The One-Stop Reference for the most popular aircraft ever flown! The Plane & Pilot editors have done a tremendous job providing readers with detailed descriptions and photographs for hundreds of the most popular aircraft from around the...
From €19.90 *
Aufsteigen zum Instrumentenflug Ascend to instrument flight - The extract for on the way
Aufsteigen zum Instrumentenflug – Der Extrakt für unterwegs
€39.00 *
Beruf Pilot - Überarbeitete Auflage 2022 Beruf Pilot - Überarbeitete Auflage 2022
Alles wichtige über die Ausbildung zum Berufspiloten.
€32.00 *
Was passiert beim Fliegen? Was passiert beim Fliegen? - 100 Fragen, 100 Antworten für Passagiere
Ein Buch für entspannteres Fliegen ohne Angst!
€19.95 *
Instrument Procedures Guide Instrument Procedures Guide
Enlist this guide as a useful training reference for your IFR operations. This Instrument Procedures Handbook is based on FAA-H-8260-1. We also recommend that you become familiar with the pertinent part of 14 CFR and the Aeronautical...
€56.00 *
Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot Maneuvers Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot Maneuvers Manual
This Private Pilot Maneuvers manual uses step-by-step procedure descriptions and over 100 full-color figures to help you visualize and understand each maneuver you perform in the airplane. Skill Enhancement Insets provide expanded...
€25.60 *
Kunstflugzeuge - seit 1957 - Typenkompass Kunstflugzeuge - seit 1957 - Typenkompass
Kunstflugzeuge gelten Vielen als die Königsklasse in der Allgemeinen Luftfahrt, überschreiten sie doch routinemäßig die Grenzen dessen, was der »Normalflieger« in seinem Alltag erfahren kann. Diese hochspannende Flugzeugklasse wird vom...
€12.00 *
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