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Advanced Avionics Handbook Advanced Avionics Handbook
Das Buch ist nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar. This new FAA handbook (FAA-H-8083-6, Effective 2009) provides general aviation users with comprehensive information on the advanced avionics equipment available in technically advanced...
ab 25,00 € *
An Aviator's Field Guide to Tailwheel Flying An Aviator's Field Guide to Tailwheel Flying
Practical skills and tips for flying a Taildragger.
12,95 € *
Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Instrument Commercial Manual
The Instrument/Commercial Manual is your primary source for initial study and review to achieve an instrument rating or commercial pilot certificate. The intuitive organization and colorful presentation of the manual will help you learn...
110,10 € *
Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot Maneuvers Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Private Pilot Maneuvers Manual
This Private Pilot Maneuvers manual uses step-by-step procedure descriptions and over 100 full-color figures to help you visualize and understand each maneuver you perform in the airplane. Skill Enhancement Insets provide expanded...
25,60 € *
Guided Flight Discovery: Multi Engine Manual Guided Flight Discovery: Multi Engine Manual
The Multi-Engine Manual uses full-color photos and illustrations to provide complete and concise explanations of the advanced concepts and ideas that every pilot seeking a multi-engine rating needs to know. Incorporating the most recent...
77,00 € *
The Proficient Pilot - Volume 2 The Proficient Pilot - Volume 2
In his new foreword to The Proficient Pilot, Volume 2, Space Shuttle Crewmember Jay Apt summarizes Barry Schiff's contribution to aviation in this book with these words: "He writes with a practical eye for details that matter. Throughout...
ab 20,00 € *
Flying Light Retractables by LeRoy Cook Flying Light Retractables by LeRoy Cook
Flying Light Retractables by LeRoy Cook
ab 19,80 € *
Cockpit Procedures Cockpit Procedures
"How-to" guide for what you should be doing in the cockpit during each phase of flight! Written by an experienced instructor and pilot examiner, Cockpit Procedures provides a solid understanding of the underlying principles for, and...
ab 19,95 € *
Glider Flying Handbook (Book) Glider Flying Handbook (Book)
Wunderbar illustriertes Handbuch, geeignet für die die Vorbereitung für eine Berechtigung oder zum Auffrischen bereits bestehenden Wissens.
24,80 € *
21st Century Flight Training 21st Century Flight Training
A powerful new resource for flight instructors and their students, with insights into the challenges of training in the new millennium.
ab 29,95 € *
Virtual Test Prep - Flight Maneuvers Virtual Test Prep - Flight Maneuvers
Das ist der spaßige Teil: Starten, Landen und das Flugzeug mit Präzision und Grazie manövrieren. Flugmanöver sind herausfordernd, lohnend und unerlässlich für sicheres Fliegen... sie sind das Rückgrat der praktischen Prüfung oder...
49,95 € *
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